01274 945 351


Money Laundering/Confiscation Proceedings

Money Laundering is the process of concealing the source of money obtained by criminal activities. In simple terms money laundering offences occur in three steps, first cash is introduced into the financial system by some means (placement), the second involves carrying out complex financial transactions in order to camouflage the illegal source (layering), and the final step entails acquiring wealth generated from the transactions of the criminal funds (integration)

RKN Solicitors can help if you are facing money laundering allegations. We have experience of analysing complex financial data. We have a panel of leading Forensic Accountants and Barristers that we can turn to in order to ensure that you are best represented throughout the proceedings.

Confiscation Proceedings

Confiscation hearings take place after a defendant has been convicted and sentenced. The Crown ProsecutionService (CPS) make an application to seek to confiscate your assets, claiming those assets to be criminal property that you have acquired and/or benefitted through your criminal activities.

RKN Solicitors have a good reputation with the CPS, which puts us in a good position to negotiate on your behalf and try to reduce the amount you owe.

If you, your family member and/or friend are facing allegation of Money Laundering or are facing Confiscation Proceedings, contact us immediately on 01274 945351 (Office Hours) or 07894 086 038 (24 Hours)